Jasmine Jobson started dealing with a skin condition named Psoriasis when she was just 16 years old. Multiple scars can be seen on her body, especially on her leg, time and again.
Netflix‘s Top Boy follows the narrative of the Summerhouse gang in east London and offers an interesting crime drama with current themes at its core. The gang leaders Sully and Dushane, who are continuously at war with other gangs to gain control of the neighborhood and its drug trade, are the subjects of the show.
Their main foe in the first two seasons is a rookie by the name of Jamie. He thinks that from now on, people like Sully and Dushane should take a backseat and let him and his crew take charge.
Jasmine Jobson, who plays the role of Jaq Lawrence in the series, has been getting a lot of attention from the viewers. On the other hand, many people have also noticed that she has a skin condition. As a result, they are curious to know what really happened to her. Well, we’ve got you covered.
Previously, we touched on Shone Romulus.
Jasmine Jobson Openly Discusses Her Skin Condition!
If you’ve gone through Jasmine Jobson‘s pictures on Instagram (@jasminejobson), you might have noticed that she has been pretty open about having a skin condition. The Jaq actress has been dealing with Psoriasis since her teenage years.
Jasmine Jobson does not hesitate to discuss her skin condition.
Image Source: Instagram
Psoriasis is a skin condition that typically affects the knees, elbows, trunk, and scalp. It generates a rash with itchy, scaly spots. It is a non-contagious immunological disorder that causes symptoms on the skin and occasionally the joints. It affects about 2-3% of the population in the UK.
It expedites the skin regeneration process, replacing skin cells in a matter of days as opposed to three or four. This cell buildup causes raised, itchy “plaques” on the skin that can be flaky and red on lighter skin and dark on darker skin.
Jasmine Jobson previously took to Instagram to clarify her skin condition posting multiple pictures affected by it. She wrote, “I Have Psoriasis, It’s In The Same Family As Eczema! It Shows Up In All Shapes & Sizes. Here’s A Little Slide Of The Skin Changes I’ve Gone Through, You will Also Notice It Worsen And Start To Get Better!…”
She was battling with psoriasis as her career was blossoming, including the itching and other people’s reactions, and at one time she thought about giving up acting completely. She previously told,
I noticed it when I was 16 and it came up as one little spot on my wrist,’ she explains. ‘The next day it just spread and I had loads of spots everywhere. I wasn’t sure what it was. The doctors tried to diagnose me with ringworm but my hygiene standards are ridiculously high and people catch it from cats – but I’m allergic to cats…Through speaking to my family I found it is hereditary on both sides of my family. So I self-diagnosed and the doctors started putting me on loads of steroid creams. The steroids were burning my skin away. It became a real struggle.
According to Jasmine, stress and food can contribute to the flare-ups that impact a large portion of her body. She no longer consumes dairy, tea, or coffee, but she does occasionally eat cauliflower cheese.
Jasmine Jobson Even Battled With Mental Health Because of Her Skin Condition!
While Jasmine Jobson was attempting to stop the itching and progressively adjusting to the bodily effects, the psychological repercussions were getting worse. She was frequently asked in acting roles if she’d cover it up with fake tattoos. A kid on a bus once pointed at her leg while she was wearing shorts. She said,
[I felt like giving up acting] at one point. I kept being told to cover up. It was obvious the industry didn’t what to see it, but this is the skin I live in. So I pursue my career with my spots now and show them off like a champion.
Jasmine Jobson even got affected mentally with her skin disease.
Image Source: Instagram
People would criticize her in the comment section. Some people even thought that she was in an abusive relationship. Regardless, she decided to fight back. She began creating mini-slideshows for Instagram that showed how awful it could get, how quickly it might vanish, and how one dot would connect to another dot. She added,
I want to show people what I’ve been going through. I’m a strong person but for others it can be really damaging. If I can change someone just a little bit, it can really help a sufferer’s life.