Is Betty White still alive or dead in 2021? Lots of queries on the internet ask, “Did Betty White pass?” Well, we can confirm she is still alive and healthy.
Betty White is currently 99 years old and has had the longest small screen career of any performer. People are unsurprisingly worried about her health because of her age. Thankfully, Betty White is still alive and well.
There’s a likelihood that several fans were recently concerned about White’s health after misinterpreting the reports about Betty Wright’s death.
Per news reports, the legendary soul singer died at the age of 66 after a battle with cancer.
White, meanwhile, does not appear to be afflicted with any severe illnesses. In fact, she looks to be full of joy and in good health for her age.
Fans Wonder if Betty White is Still Alive or Dead
There have been numerous occasions when Betty White became the victim of a death hoax. In fact, internet users should be aware that Betty is the subject of false death stories more times than one can count.
One of the stories even reappeared and duped Twitteratis twice. In 2014, a news piece from the sardonic media outlet Empire News went viral.
White “Dyes Peacefully in Her Los Angeles Home,” according to the misleading title. The news quickly went on a spreading spree like wildfire.
The fake story reemerged in 2019, and CBS News was forced to intervene to clarify the situation. They clearly stated that Empire News used famous people’s real names in parodies or satire.
Twitter users were duped once more, and the hoax did not go down well. Check out the post by a reporter below.
Is she tie dying a blouse? If you're going to try to misleadingly kill off legend Betty White, learn to spell mate. #bettywhite #FakeNews
— Antoinette Lattouf (@antoinette_news) November 9, 2019
To sum up, Betty White is very much alive and healthy in 2021. And, long may that continue.
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