At Blurred Reality, we aim to maintain high journalism standards to provide our readers with unique and quality articles and news. When writing for us, our writers agree to these terms and understand that if they don’t follow them, their article could be rejected by us. They will enter a contract with us that will demand their written agreement to this policy.
Original Content
We expect all articles to be 100% original. They should pass all plagiarism checks. The article sent to us should be “Unique” content for approval by our editors. Moreover, we also make sure the articles are imperative and are focused on providing value to the readers.
Claims And Data
Any claims or data presented in articles are duly examined before they are published. We try to maintain fair, biased-free information in our articles. We ensure that whatever claims or data presented in an article are already available in the public domain and verified by relevant sources. We also emphasize linking to the sources.
We ensure the articles contain value to our readers; all published articles should have a definitive objective that must be followed to provide value. We try to cover the latest news to our readers and try to be as unbiased as possible.
We aim to provide our readers with the latest information and news about reality shows.
News Writing
While writing news, our writers make sure that they are verifying it with all credible sources. We find it essential to focus on the authenticity of each news post before publication. We make sure that empirical evidence is available for each news article and data presented in the post.
All our writers go by the guidelines mentioned above and the policy for creating high-quality content for our readers.